March 9, 2025

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Table of Contents

C, C++, Java, HTML: Common Queries and Expert Answers

C Programming Questions

[1] What are pointers in C?

Answer: Pointers in C are variables that store the memory addresses of other variables.

[2] How can you declare a constant value in C?

Answer: Use const or the #define directive.

C++ Programming Questions

[4] What is the function of a constructor?

Answer: Constructors initialize new objects when they are created.

[5] Define polymorphism in C++.

Answer: Polymorphism enables methods to perform different tasks based on the object invoking them.

[6] What characterizes an abstract class?


[7] What are templates used for in C++?

Answer: Templates enable writing generic and reusable code for various data types.

[8] What is a virtual function’s role?

Answer: Virtual functions allow derived classes to override them, supporting dynamic dispatch.

[9] Describe how namespaces are utilized in C++..

Answer: Namespaces help organize code and prevent naming conflicts by grouping identifiers.

[10] What is a static variable in C++?

Answer: A static variable retains its value between function calls and is shared across all instances of a class.

[11] How do you comment in C++?

Answer: Single-line comments use //, while multi-line comments use /*…*/.

Java Programming Questions

[12] How do you declare a function in C?

[13] What is an interface in Java?


[14] Explain exception handling in Java.

Answer: Exception handling manages errors using try, catch, and finally blocks to prevent program crashes.

[15] What characterizes a constructor in Java?


[17] How can you define a constant in Java?

Answer: Use the final keyword to declare a constant, e.g., final int CONSTANT_NAME = 10;.

[18] How do you perform string concatenation in Java?

Answer: Use the + operator or StringBuilder for efficient string concatenation.


[20] What does the break statement do in Java?

Answer: The break statement terminates the nearest enclosing loop or switch statement.

[21] What does public static mean in Java?

Answer: It means the method or variable is accessible from any other class and belongs to the class itself rather than an instance.

[22] Define a thread in Java.

Answer: A thread is a lightweight process that allows concurrent execution of tasks within a program.


HTML Questions

[24] What does HTML represent?


[25] What information is contained within the <head> tag?

Answer: The <head> tag includes meta-information like the document title and linked stylesheets.

[26] How do you create a hyperlink using HTML?

Answer: Use <a href=”url”>Link Text</a> to create a clickable link.

[27] What is a semantic HTML element?

Answer: Semantic elements convey meaning about their content, such as <article> or <footer>.

[28] Explain the <div> element’s purpose.


[29] What is the function of the <form> tag?

Answer: The <form> tag is used to collect user input through various fields.

[30] How can CSS be included in an HTML document?

Answer: CSS can be included via the <link> tag in the <head> section or using a <style> block.

[31] What is an HTML attribute?

Answer: An attribute provides additional information about an HTML element, like src for images.

[32] How do you create an HTML table?

Answer: Use <table>, <tr>, <td>, and <th> tags to define a table structure.

[33] How do you embed a video in HTML?

Answer: Use the <video> tag along with the src attribute, e.g., <video src=”video.mp4″ controls></video>.

[34] What does the <link> tag accomplish in HTML?

Answer: The <link> tag connects an HTML document to external resources, typically stylesheets.

[35] What is an HTML <meta> tag?

Answer: The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document, such as character set and viewport settings.

[36] How do you create a comment in HTML?

Answer: Use the syntax <!– This is a comment –> to create comments that are not displayed in the browser.

[37] What does the static keyword indicate in C++?

Answer: The static keyword indicates that a variable’s lifetime extends across multiple function calls.

[38] What is a bitwise operator?

Answer: Bitwise operators perform operations on binary representations of integers at the bit level, such as &, |, and ^.

[39] How can you handle memory allocation errors in C?

Answer: Check if the pointer returned by malloc() is NULL, indicating memory allocation failure.

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