March 9, 2025

SirBikramSutradhar : Record Holder

Best Teacher Award 2023 & 5-Times World Records Expert: Mastering IIT-JAM, IIT-JEE Main/Adv, NEET, TBJEE, WBJEE, ICSE, ISC, CBSE,TBSE with Technology, Job Notifications, PhD Admissions, University & College Admissions, Upcoming Cars, Mobile Gadgets, Global GK & Board Solutions! And many more.

B.Ed. 2nd Semester Examination 2024:  Course: 1.2.8A Knowledge and Curriculum

B.Ed. 2nd Semester Examination 2024:  Course: 1.2.8A Knowledge and Curriculum

B.Ed. 2nd Semester Examination 2024:  Course: 1.2.8A Knowledge and Curriculum

B.Ed. 2nd Semester Examination 2024, Course: 1.2.8A Knowledge and Curriculum. Explore detailed answers to key questions on.

Knowledge and Curriculum

Regular (2024) & Supplementary-I (2023)

Time: 1½ Hours

Full Marks: 35 Group-A (Marks-10) [ 50 words] Any 5

(i) Differentiate between Teaching and Training.

(ii) Mention any four types of curriculum.

(iii) What do you mean by gender inequality?

(iv) What is activity-based curriculum?

(v) What are the four pillars of education?

(vi) What do you mean by a multi-cultural classroom?

(vii) Write in short John Dewey’s concept of curriculum.

Group-B any 3 (Marks-15) [ 150 words]

Evaluate the role of the school as an agency of education.

What are the factors that affect curriculum development?

How is “education for sustainable development” defined?

What are the roles of the state in the process of constructing a curriculum aimed at sustainable development?

Write down the relevance of Gandhiji’s philosophical thoughts on education in the present Indian scenario.

Write short notes on:

a) Core curriculum

b) Latent curriculum

Group-C any 1 (Marks-10) [ 300 words]

Illustrate the relevance of the Four Pillars of Education with examples in the context of modern Indian education.

Explain briefly the importance of the inclusion of constitutional values and national culture in the construction of curriculum.

B.Ed. 2nd Semester Examination 2024 Method Subject: Mathematics

Teacher Education NCTE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM B.ed/ M.ed/ D.el.ed


Bikram Sutradhar

GrandMaster Bikram Sutradhar

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