ICSE Class 9: Cell chapter 2 Question set – The Unit of Life (Comprehensive Guide) unlock

icse class 9 biology Chapter 2 Cell
Explore detailed ICSE Class 9 notes on “Cell – The Unit of Life” with solved questions, MCQs, and explanations. Understand cell structure, functions, and essential concepts.

ICSE Class 9: chapter 2 Question set Cell – The Unit of Life
Answer the Following
Question 1
- Which type of microscope operates using a single convex lens?
- A simple microscope operates using a single convex lens.
- What kind of mirror did Hooke use in his microscope for specimen illumination?
- Hooke used a concave mirror to illuminate specimens.
Question 2
- Indicate the maximum magnification possible with a compound microscope.
- A compound microscope can magnify up to 1000 times.
- Indicate the maximum magnification possible with an electron microscope.
- An electron microscope can magnify up to 1,000,000 times.

Provide Answers to the Following
Question 1
- Mention two organisms consisting of a single cell.
- Amoeba and Paramecium.
- Which animal cells are recognized as the longest?
- Nerve cells.
- Which cells in the human body can change shape like an amoeba?
- White blood cells (WBCs).
- What is the structural form of white blood cells?
- Irregular.
Question 2
- Cells with a larger surface area-to-volume ratio enhance diffusion. Name the substances that benefit from this feature.
- Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients.
Identify Cellular Parts
Question 1
- Diverse chemical reactions occur with enzyme involvement: Cytoplasm.
- Chromatin fibers establish a network: Nucleus.
- The main structural component is cellulose: Cell wall.
Question 2
- Distinguish between an organ and an organelle.
- An organ is a structure performing a specific function in the body, whereas an organelle is a specialized structure within a cell performing specific cellular functions.
- Distinguish between plant and animal cells, highlighting the presence of plastids.
- Plant cells have plastids, animal cells do not.
Question 3
- Recognize the organelles responsible for:
- Enzyme production: Ribosomes.
- Solar energy absorption: Chloroplasts.
- Protein manufacturing: Ribosomes.
- Digestion within the cell: Lysosomes.
- Energy production (ATP): Mitochondria.
Question 4
- Composition of cellulose: Cell wall.
- An irregular double membrane network: Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER).
- Presence of a clear aqueous solution: Cytoplasm.
- Visibility during cell division: Chromosomes.
Question 5 (True/False)
- Prokaryotic cells possess larger ribosomes. – False. (They have smaller ribosomes.)
- Mitochondria are present in eukaryotic cells. – True.
- Amoeba belongs to prokaryotic organisms. – False. (It is eukaryotic.)
- Nuclear membranes are present in bacteria. – False. (Bacteria are prokaryotic and lack nuclear membranes.)
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- Match activities in Column I with corresponding cellular activities in Column II.
Identify Essential Cell Organelles
- The nucleus is crucial for cell survival.
Lifecycle and Functions
- Lifecycle and death of cells: Cells undergo a lifecycle including division, growth, and death. For example, skin cells regenerate continuously.
- Excretion of waste by cells: Cells expel waste through the plasma membrane. Example: carbon dioxide from respiration.
- Nutrient requirements of cells: Cells require nutrients for energy and growth, like glucose for cellular respiration.
Multiple Choice Type Questions (MCQs)
- Life originates from:
- (b) A single cell.
- What is common between a mango plant and a monkey?
- (d) Cell membrane.
- Identify the correct pair of organelle and function:
- (a) Ribosomes — Protein synthesis.
- How can one differentiate a plant cell from an animal cell?
- (a) Lack of centrosome.
- The main component of the plant cell wall is:
- (c) Cellulose.
- Which organelle is involved in cellular respiration?
- (a) Mitochondria.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
- Cell parts responsible for:
- Releasing energy: Mitochondria.
- Producing proteins: Ribosomes.
- Transferring hereditary information: Nucleus.
- Starting cell division: Centrosome.
- Performing hydrolytic functions: Lysosomes.
- Allowing selective substance entry: Plasma membrane.
- All animal cells have a cell wall. – False.
- Cell walls are composed of protein. – False.
- Centrosomes are present in animal cells. – True.
- Large vacuoles are characteristic of plant cells. – True.
- Protoplasm surrounds the nucleus. – True.
- Genes are part of chromosomes. – True.
- Anthocyanin pigments are present in cell sap. – True.
Additional Questions
- How many chromosome pairs are there in human cells? – 23 pairs.
- Name the chemical substance that makes up genes. – DNA.
- Match items from Column A with Column B.
- Fill in the blanks with suitable terms.
- Write the full forms for abbreviations: DNA, RNA, ATP, SER, RER.
- Identify plastids and pigments in plant parts.
Short Answer Type Questions
- Define: Cell organelles, cell inclusions, cytosol, cell sap, cytoplasm.
- Locations of: Centrosome, chromosome, genes, mesosome, plasmid.
- Three exclusive features of plant cells and one of animal cells.
- Why are cells generally small in size?
- Why is chemical analysis of protoplasm challenging?
- Difference between organ and organelle.
- Are elephant cells larger than rat cells? Explain.
Descriptive Answer Type Questions
- Define cell theory and its proponents.
- Differences between protoplasm and cytoplasm, nucleolus and nucleus, etc.
- Explain functions of plasma membrane, ribosome, lysosome, etc.
- State differences between living cells and bricks.
- List common characteristics of plant and animal cells.
Structured/Application/Skill Type Questions
- Given two cell sketches:
- Identify plant and animal cells.
- Mention common structures.
- Specify unique structures for each.
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